I have found a flaw with your logic, Simon and Garfunkel. See, in the lyrics to "I Am a Rock" you claim you have "built walls/ A fortress deep and mighty." By yourself? Really? How'd that work out for you? See, 'cause we're only switching out lighting fixtures and taking down cabinet doors, and we can't even do that by ourselves. You must have had a second pair of hands.....
Last Friday we signed the papers and got the keys to our BRAND NEW HOUSE! (thank you Rod Roddy!) and immediately went over to start scoping it out. (By "we", I'm referring to myself, Future Mr. Husband, his parents and his mom's best friend, R. She inspected our house for us, and is an amazing jack of all trades, and a really awesome person.) Once there, we started holding up paint chips, unloading tools, making lists, and figuring out the quickest route to Home Depot. One of the first things on the list were screen clips. Why, you ask? Because within 30 minutes of being in the house, our offspring pushed a screen out and went ass over teakettle out the window. He's okay-just a bump and scratch on the head. I think it took about 5 years off my life, though. And can I just tell you how incredibly grateful I was in that moment that we bought a one story house?
Anyway, we got to work immediately. Cupboard doors came off, primer started going on, counter tops were removed, ceiling fans came down. If it were not for the incredible generosity of of the Future In Laws giving of their time, I'd probably still be standing in the living room in a daze, wondering where to begin. Thanks to their divide-and-conquer attitude, the kitchen is well under way, a bright, shiny new ceiling fan is in the living room, and almost all of the light fixtures have been replaced.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Simon and Garfunkel. Besides, y'all are singing the song together.....duh.