So I said to me, "I'll accept your challenge." But before we get too into the nitty gritty, how about a little background on how this came to be, shall we?
As previously stated, I'm a thirty something living in Texas. I met my lovely fee-on-say (I'm new to blogging and can't seem to figure out how to put an accent above an 'e' without causing all kinds of formatting problems. So I'm going to have to get creative until I figure it out.) in a roundabout sort of way almost 4 years ago, on a cool, drizzly night in Seattle, which was my home town at the time. We hit it off immediately and after some back and forth-ing, I picked up and moved to his hometown, Austin. I was lucky enough to not have to make this giant leap alone. As luck would have it, my nearest and dearest girlfriend in Seattle was ready for a change. She sold her condo, dumped her boyfriend and the two of us spent 6 days in a U-Haul driving across the country. With three cats.
After nearly a year in Austin, we learned a beautiful bouncing baby boy was on the way (whoops) so we moved in together. As I write this we're in the process of attempting to purchase our first home.
So you can see, I'm not exactly a stickler for tradition.
When my studmuffin proposed on Christmas Day of 2009, I of course said yes and that is how we got here. After a little discussion, we agreed that we want a wedding, and we want people there and food and flowers and all the stuff you think of when you think of weddings. (As apposed to, say, eloping or a quickie Justice of the Peace.)
We're planning a wedding using solely our own financial resources. Since we're a little older than average newly weds, and have been living together and have a child together, it just seemed silly to expect or ask for financial contribution from our families. (And because when you foot the bill, you call all the shots.)
So we (and by 'we' I mean 'me' because I'm the girl and the one that cares about junk like flowers and candles and themes) are going to have to be creative in how we pull this off. But I'm confident it can be done. I'm so confident it can be done I'm documenting it for the world (or my 3 friends and my mom) to see.
The first thing we did when we came back to earth was start discussing a date. We didn't get very far though, because when you're trying to buy a house with a floating closing date and waffling sellers, that date is awfully hard to nail down. In order to make any solid plans, it'd be helpful to know we're not going to be moving boxes or in the throes of a major kitchen redo when we say our "I do's." So as of right now, the answer to The Big Question is; we don't know. This summer, if the star are aligned.