Remember that cheerful little ditty at the end of the last post? Out of all those choices (wishing yourself dead, ashamed of yourself, ashamed of your man, sinking spirits, etc.) clearly white is the way to go. Followed closely by blue, and trailed by the not entirely awful brown. Well, I'm pretty set on not wearing white, not for any other reason than I have a toddler and I can expect it would stay clean for maybe 5 minutes, tops. Especially since we're planning outdoor nuptials. As I stated previously, blue is traditionally associated with purity and virginity, and I really doubt we're fooling anyone there. What with the child and all, that's a hard one to pull off. I'd actually considered blue for a while, but now that I have that association in my head, I'm afraid I'd feel silly wearing it.
Which brings us to brown, and interestingly enough, I've been leaning towards brown. Well, not exactly brown, per se, as in dirt color. But more of a soft, mocha, or creamy hot chocolate brown. Accented with a nice, soft vanilla white and maybe another color thrown in for fun. Purple? Green? Think a chocolate/vanilla twist soft serve frozen yogurt with sprinkles.
So, with that in mind, I drug a willing and patient friend to a big chain bridal store and had a really, erm, interesting experience. The staff was rude, disorganized and harried. Not to mention unprofessional and just all around irritating. My intention for this field trip was to go and try on a handful of dresses, get ideas for fit, length, style, take some notes and head for the fabric store. Naturally, I found a dress I love. But according to my budget I'm allotted $60 for the dress, and it retails for $100. Don't get me wrong, $100 for a wedding dress is incredibly reasonable, considering the headline on a recent bridal magazine proudly announced "Affordable dresses under $2,000!" I'm holding off on ordering it until I do some more looking. Since it's a pretty popular chain store, I'm not entirely ruling out find the same dress in the color I want on Ebay or craigslist. And without a date for the wedding nailed down, I'm not exactly feeling pressed for time.
On that note, we don't have any new news on the house situation. But, there is an end in sight. One way or the other, we will have our answer by the middle of February. Of course, we're hoping that the news is good and the bank gives us the green light to go ahead with closing. If not, well, expect some kvetching and whining while I reassess and start trying to come up with Plan B.