Naturally, right after I wrote that last post about love and everlasting sparkle and all that feely good stuff, s**t started falling apart.
First, the cafe that was going to make the pies called and said they can't. The cafe is for sale, and because they don't know when they might be closing their doors for good, they don't want to make a commitment they may not be able to keep. I understand, and I'm grateful that they didn't tell me this a week before the wedding. But still. Now what am I supposed to do?
Second, the ONE florist in town turned me away. I went in hoping to have a conversation about my ideas (big bouquets of whatever is in season, like you might find at a farmer's market) see if that might be something she could source for me, or at the very least, see about having her make my bouquet. Before I finished describing the look I was going for, she told me there are no local farmer's markets with flowers, I'd have to go to Dallas to find them, but I could try one wholesale outlet that might or might not have what I want. Oh, but go early on the day of the wedding or they might be out of flowers already. At that point she turned her attention away from me to someone else, and that was the end of that. I stood there with my mouth gaping open for a minute before I realized we were done, and then I left.
Third, after playing phone tag with someone at the hotel nearest us, I finally got to talk to a live person about blocking rooms for guests. Wouldn't you know it, she had all sorts of questions for me that I didn't have answers for; like how many double occupancy rooms I need, how many single king rooms, and how many kids are coming. On top of it, my phone was breaking up and I could only get about every other word, and she was saying important things like 'contract' and 'deadline.'
Lastly, the shoes I ordered to wear on the big day arrived. They are too small. The size I need is out of stock.
So Friday afternoon I had a little meltdown. It didn't help that my loving and supportive Husband to Be responded to my frustrations with "See, this is why I didn't want to have the wedding so soon...." Which was met with a look that turned our 85 degree day a bit cooler. But I just had to have a June wedding, didn't I? If you've ever seen Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, you understand why. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a musical.
Since I have no choice but to keep putting one foot in front of the other, (one sad, naked foot) we move onward.
For the pies, I have a couple of ideas. One of them involves a rolling pin, ten pounds of flour, a couple of friends and probably a bottle of tequila.
Flowers, well, I guess I'll start scoping out the grocery stores. Not exactly my first choice, but definitely more affordable than having professional arrangements made. Or, there's always the easement behind our house. It seems to be putting off something lovely and yellow. I think it's called ragweed.
Tomorrow, when I am fresh, I'll take a deep breath and peruse the contract for the hotel rooms. It can't be that complicated, right?
As for the shoes, at least has free shipping, both ways. I'll return them, and start looking again. (After I have a teeny weeny whiny tantrum because they were the only shoes I really really really loved and they would have been perfect and no other shoes will ever be just as perfect as they are.)
Thankfully, my dear, sweet (patient) and what-would-I-do-without-her Best Friend called today to offer up her pie making/flower arranging/shoe shopping services. During the conversation she reminded me of a very important point: None of that stuff matters. It will all be perfect, however it turns out, no one will be the wiser if the shoes aren't my first choice or the pies are Sara Lee. At the end of the day we will be husband and wife, and that's the only important thing. It's funny, because I feel like I've heard that exact same thing somewhere else recently.....